Using IDA Pro and Hex Rays to debug a game (Tzar)

Well, let’s talk about how to use IDA Pro with a video game.

The game that I use to write this post is “Tzar – Edicion de Oro” also it’s called Tsar.
This game allows us to change the game speed by default using a slider that it’s inside the Options panel.
Our goal it’s try to find our “static pointer + offset” that contains the game speed.
The first thing we need to do it’s open IDA and select File > Open > Search for Tzar.exe

Now, we wait for IDA loads all modules of the file.

There are a lot of things that we can do now, i’m going to tell you how to change/set the speed of the game to a value whatever you want. Now press SHIFT + 12 and wait for the process being complete, IDA will search for  all text string that are compiled at Tzar.exe

Here it is:

Press ALT + T, this will perform a search inside all referenced text strings that we have, search for this value “speed”:

Hit OK and then press CTRL + T to search again and then stop when you see something like this:

Well, we can see a interesting part of the game that probably control the speed of the game. Now select “game_speed_control” and press ENTER, this will take you to the “IDA View-A” and we’ll see some ASM functions and the DATA XREF list.

Point your mouse to the DATA XREF: sub_43F0A0 and “IDA Pro” will highlight in yellow the code and will show a traytip that will show you the ASM code of this function.

Then press F5 and IDA Pro will generate a new window with a Pseudo code in C, this help us to understand what does this function. The interesting part of this function is this code:?

if ( (unsigned int)v3 >= 5 )
  if ( (unsigned int)v3 >= 0xA )
    if ( (unsigned int)v3 >= 0xF )
      if ( (unsigned int)v3 >= 0x14 )
        v24 = 0;
        if ( (unsigned int)v3 >= 0x1E )
          v23 = (int)"game_speed_turbo";
          v23 = (int)"game_speed_fastest";
        v24 = 0;
        v23 = (int)"game_speed_fast";
      v24 = 0;
      v23 = (int)"game_speed_normal";
    v24 = 0;
    v23 = (int)"game_speed_slow";
  v24 = 0;
  v23 = (int)"game_speed_slowest";

If we convert the hexadecimal numbers to decimal we will obtain something like this:?

5 = 5
A = 10
F = 15
14 = 20

So the values of the speed when you change the slider of the speed are 5,10,15,20
Now open “tzar” and start a game, when you are playing go to Menu > Options > Speed and set the value whatever you want, this picture shows you the value that will have the speed of the game when you change the slider:

So now you know the speed of the game Weah! Try to search with Cheat Engine this value or debug a little bit with IDA.

If you want to know what is the static address for this offset take a look at the pseudo window, at the top, you ‘ll find this line of code:?

v3 = a1;
dword_587748 = a1;
*(_DWORD *)(dword_9DD3EC + 74) = a1;

So the static pointer for this offset is 0x009DD3EC and + 70 for speed. With Cheat Engine you can use this method to change the game speed:


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